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Identification Cards

Identification cards (known as Smith College OneCards) are created using photos provided by entering Smith students. The OneCard IDs are then issued during central check-in, which is part of fall orientation. In addition to serving as campus identification, the OneCard provides the following functions; library card, dining services card (including access to Dining Dollars), exterior door access to residences and other buildings where equipped, and purchases via Campus Cash.

Lost Cards

If a card is lost or stolen, a temporary card can be obtained at the OneCard Office. If it is after-hours, students can contact Campus Safety to arrange to get a Temporary OneCard or they can suspend their OneCard online at and get a Temporary OneCard when the OneCard office reopens. Once a temporary card is issued or the card is suspended, the user's OneCard will no longer work. Temporary cards work almost everywhere you use your OneCard. This includes meals, door access, the Campus Center Café, etc. However, because there is no barcode on the card, it cannot be used at the library. Any balances the cardholder has in either Campus Cash or Dining Dollars are available through the temporary card.

A temporary card is valid for one week. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to come to the OneCard Office to either have a new OneCard printed or, if found, their old OneCard reactivated prior to the expiration of the temporary card. Students may receive one free replacement OneCard during their time at Smith. After that there is a $20 charge to have a replacement card printed. There is no charge to reactivate a found card. A $10 charge applies if the temporary card is not returned.

For information on how to suspend a lost card other than by getting a temporary card go to

Dining Dollars

Detailed information on Dining Dollars is available in the Dining section of the student handbook.

Campus Cash

Parents and students may also deposit funds in a separate Campus Cash account. Campus Cash is an optional debit account that can be used for purchases at the Grecourt Bookstore, the Smith College Computer Store, print stations in the libraries and computer labs, and the Campus Center Café. Campus Cash is no longer needed for laundry. See the Laundry section of the student handbook for information on laundry services in Residence Houses.

All Campus Cash accounts are stored-value debit accounts and must maintain deposits sufficient to cover the cost of purchases. Deposits to Campus Cash can be made via credit card using the link on the OneCard page, or by cash at the Value Transfer Stations located in the Campus Center and Neilson library.

Once deposited money can not be withdrawn from Campus Cash, however any unused balances remain in the account and will roll forward from year to year as long as the cardholder remains a student. Upon graduation, withdrawal or dismissal from the College unspent balances of $5.00 or more will be refunded via ACH transfer to the bank account on file for the student in Workday. By using Campus Cash the cardholder agrees to be bound by all account terms and conditions set forth in the Smith OneCard Terms & Conditions. The complete OneCard Terms and Conditions are available at or at the OneCard Office.

The card, related accounts, and access privileges are non-transferable. The individual identified by the card (i.e. Cardholder) is responsible for all usage on their card and is the only one authorized to present the card for services, access, or purchases. A student using a card that does not belong to them may have that card confiscated and be referred for disciplinary action. The card remains the property of Smith College. The college reserves the right to disclose OneCard records to law enforcement officials, college conduct boards, and college officials. The OneCard Office is responsible for the issuance of all OneCards and the maintenance of all OneCard readers. If a card does not function properly at any location, the card owner should seek assistance at the OneCard Office.

OneCard support is provided by the ITS User Support Center in Seelye Hall room B8. For questions, please contact the IT Service Center at 413-585-4487 or by writing

Updated February 2025

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